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Why is smoking cannabis bad for you?

Why is smoking cannabis bad for you?

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, weed, pot, dope or grass, is perhaps the most widely used illegal drug in the Arab world. Some people see it as a harmless local product, others as some kind of escape hatch to take a break from the overburdening realities of everyday life. Its use has even been justified as a way of communicating with God by economically and socially underprivileged segments of Arab society. Nevertheless, it can have some serious consequences that we all need to be aware of.

Research shows that about 10% of regular cannabis users become dependent on it. The risk becomes even higher if you start using it in your teens or every day. The two main consequences of this addiction are tolerance and withdrawal. Tolerance means that you need more of the drug to get the same effect, and sometimes even stronger drugs. Cannabis is therefore called the “gateway drug” as it increases cravings for other drugs. Withdrawal means that if you stop using it, you may experience symptoms such as cravings, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, mood swings, a disrupted appetite, irritability and restlessness.

But the effects of cannabis don’t stop there. Regular cannabis use triples your risk of developing or worsening a psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia. A psychotic illness is one where you have hallucinations – you see things that aren’t really there – and delusions – you believe things that aren’t really true. The risk is even higher if you have a family history of mental illness. Cannabis can also be harmful to your lungs, increase your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, affect your fertility and harm your unborn baby. If you drive under the influence of cannabis, you’re twice as likely to be involved in a road traffic incident than unimpaired drivers.

We can hear you asking: “but what about the medicinal benefits of cannabis?” Cannabis contains active ingredients called cannabinoids, some of which are used in prescription drugs meant to relieve the pain of muscle spasms in multiple sclerosis or to relieve sickness in people having chemotherapy for cancer. Although they can help chronic pain sufferers manage their symptoms, medicinal drugs still have side effects. So, while you likely won’t overdose on it, keep in mind that smoking cannabis comes down to playing a game of “psychiatric roulette”.

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