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Why is mental health still a taboo in the Arab world?

Why is mental health still a taboo in the Arab world?

In many countries, seeing a therapist is a normal part of an individual’s self-care routine, like going to the gym or having a massage. However, in the Arab world, only a privileged few get mental health treatment while the vast majority of people suffer from anxiety, depression and even Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, unaware that they can be helped, even without medication.

The main reason for this is that having mental health problems is viewed as shameful in the region. Depression is often wrongly considered a sign of weakness, which couldn’t be further from the truth, as it can happen to literally anybody, just like catching a cold. Besides, depressed people are expected to pull themselves together just like that, and while some people can manage to pull through, they rarely do so without the help of the people around them and a therapist. Too many people in the Arab world have experienced war, exile and countless other traumas that have yet to be recognized and dealt with appropriately. Consequently, they are suffering alone, which is not only hard on themselves but also very difficult for the people around them.

So how can we break the stigma associated with mental health? First, people need to be informed regarding these matters and that’s what Happy Healthy Arab is about. Mental health education should be part of school curriculums as knowledge is a powerful tool for prevention. Also, doctors should think twice before over-prescribing medication to people who could very well get better with a therapy. Finally, therapy can be very costly and systems should be put in place to make it available to anyone who needs it regardless of their financial situation, for instance through associations.

All in all, mental health is no different than physical health and both require real treatment. The first and most important step towards breaking the taboo around mental health is to acknowledge that. Once people start realizing that going to see a therapist is like going to see any doctor, many lives can be saved and even become enjoyable!

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