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Do you have to exercise? Part 1

Do you have to exercise? Part 1

If you genuinely wish to be healthy, moving your body through daily activities (walking, cleaning, dancing, gardening) or sports is absolutely essential. But you shouldn’t move for the sake of moving. You must find an activity that you enjoy doing. No idea? Let’s try to find out what type of exercise could work best for you! Here are a few questions to help you do just that:

  • What did you love to do as a kid?

Did you like to dance, bike or hike? You have to listen to your body. Bear in mind that movement is like food. What’s good for you may not be good for someone else and vice versa. You must figure out what YOU need to do to keep yourself in balance.

  • How do you feel physically?

If you’re feeling frail and unfocused, then you might want to try a vigorous exercise to make you feel stable and powerful like kickboxing or running. If, on the contrary, you’re feeling tight and tense, then you should probably try a gentler exercise to increase lightness and flexibility like swimming or yoga.

  • Do you enjoy being surrounded by people or would you rather spend time alone?

If you’re a quiet person who likes to spend time alone, you should consider buying a small trampoline or a set of hand weights, so you can move in the comfort of your home. If, conversely, you enjoy being around groups of people, you can practice team sports like football or basketball, which have the added benefit of human interaction and fun competition. You can also find a mix of the two by taking a group fitness class like Pilates, dance or karate.

  • When do you feel more energetic?

Just as some people think more clearly in the morning and others think more clearly at night, some people prefer to exercise first thing in the morning, while others prefer to exercise later in the day. There’s no right or wrong; it’s simply a matter of personal preference.

  • And finally, the most important part, think about convenience and comfort!

You must be realistic here. It’s wiser to look for a gym or yoga studio near your home or on the way to your office. It’s important to find a location that’s convenient, and where the atmosphere is pleasant, comfortable, and welcoming. This will enhance your chances of going regularly.

And remember, physical activity can take simple and modest forms, like getting off the subway or bus one stop earlier and walking to your destination. It can be taking the stairs, instead of the elevator, to your office or apartment. It can be taking your dog out for a walk or your children to the park. A 30-minute brisk walk every day may be all you need to keep yourself in shape.

To read the second part of this article, please click here.

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