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Do you have to exercise? Part 2

Do you have to exercise? Part 2

If you haven’t read the first part of this article, please click here.

Now, think about it, what will get you moving? Start experimenting and find a routine you can nourish yourself with daily. Just as bio-individuality plays a major role in food choices, it’s important to keep it in mind when it comes to exercise – how much, and which types, will benefit you most?

  • When you find what works for you, you’ll be more likely to do it consistently and reap the benefits. These include increased energy, improved mental clarity, optimal digestive health and enhanced mood. Indeed, exercise produces the feel-good hormone serotonin, which has an uplifting effect on your entire body. Discover what you love and stick with it.

  • The secret to being successful and consistent with your exercise routine: accountability. Having a goal system to track your progress is crucial. When you reach your goals, don’t forget to honor your great work with self-care – a massage, for instance – or by watching your favorite TV show guilt-free.

  • When it comes to exercise, more isn’t necessarily better. Feel like you need to run 10 miles to make it count? Actually, less than a mile in, your endorphins are already soaring. Once you find what works for you, and start noticing all the benefits you’re gaining, exercise will be like second nature and your body will thank you for it.

One last thing you need to keep in mind, sitting for more than 6 hours a day increases the chance of an early death. Sitting is just as bad as smoking when it comes to heart disease. That’s why you need to move throughout the day rather than sit all day and exercise vigorously for just an hour a day.

So, do exercise… or at least don’t sit!

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