
Welcome to the Happy Healthy Arab platform! You’ll find here ideas and content to nourish your body and your mind.

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One year already...

One year already...

The Happy Healthy Arab platform is celebrating this October one year of existence!

When we launched it about a year ago, we had what we thought was a very ambitious goal: reaching a thousand new people every month. We thought that if just one visit to our website sparked healthier habits or happier feelings for just one person, all of the work and energy we put into building it would be totally worth the effort.

Today, we’re reaching close to five thousand new people each month, our Facebook community is growing rapidly and consists of more than 22,000 members. Our newsletter is read by about 4,000 people from virtually every country in the Arab world, and also outside the region. Some members in our community are not even of Arab origin. And that makes us really proud.

Of course the road hasn’t always been uphill. We’ve been mocked, rejected and sometimes even censored. But we stayed on course and never lost sight of our mission: tackling the subject of health and wellness through an Arab perspective, hence showing that Western civilizations don’t hold the monopoly on nutrition and happiness science and that wellness can be achieved in many different ways.

The journey of a person who decides to embark on the path to health and wellness is often a long and difficult one. Many times, the realization of the importance of physical and mental health stems from a dramatic life event such as an illness, a loss or a burn-out. Typically, an individual will start looking for miracle solutions that will solve all of his problems, then try one method after an another, only to realize it may not be the solution for him.

Our platform aspires to change people’s perspectives on the matter. It stresses that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, debunks a few myths and, while giving advice that could help any person, encourages each person to find out what’s most suitable for them and become in charge of their own wellbeing. We aim to take the stress out of the process.

As we reach the 40,000 unique visitors mark, we would like to thank you again for reading this, we’re deeply honored that you are part of our community. And we hope that we can continue to be your guide on the side on your path to optimal health and happiness, the Arab way!

With love and gratitude,

Diala, Othmane and the growing Happy Healthy Arab team

The ultimate lentil stew

The ultimate lentil stew

An Interview with Caroline Fattal-Fakhoury

An Interview with Caroline Fattal-Fakhoury