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Fig and walnut raw brownies

Fig and walnut raw brownies


  • 100g dried figs

  • 70g walnuts + 20g to pulse in at the end

  • 2 Tbs maple syrup

  • 1 Tbs olive oil

  • A few drops of vanilla essence

  • A pinch of pink hymalayan salt


  1. Add the walnuts (70g) to your food processor and blend for 1 minute or until the nuts have crumbled and a flour has formed

  2. Then add the remaining ingredients and blend for another minute until a thick dough forms

  3. Add the walnuts that are left (20g) and give it a quick pulse to incorporate to the dough

  4. Roll the dough into 30g balls with your hands, then gently flatten them

  5. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving

Recipe by Hind Tahboub and Diala Tufenkji

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