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Nudge yourself into healthy eating habits

Nudge yourself into healthy eating habits

Eating right is much easier when everything in your environment prompts you to do so. Here are some nudges that are easy to implement, but this list is by no means exhaustive and we encourage you to find out what works best for you.

  • Put unhealthy items (e.g. potato chips) in hard-to-reach places and healthy items (e.g. fruits or nuts) in easier-to-reach places. Keeping healthier snacks within reach increases the likelihood that you will choose them over the less healthy options.

  • Replace larger plates or bowls with smaller ones (ONLY if you are overweight). Doing this will automatically reduce your food intake without you having to think about it, even if you don’t have any restriction on servings.

  • Eat from plates that aren’t white in color. Studies have shown that replacing white plates and bowls with plates and bowls of a different color can reduce portion sizes if the color of the food contrasts with the color of the plate. Since many nutrient-poor foods are white in color (e.g. White rice, white bread, …), using white plates increases the consumption of these foods, which is not ideal. Conversely, nutrient-rich foods tend to be more colorful. If you want to eat more greens for instance, try using green plates!

  • Carry healthy snacks (e.g. fruits or nuts) with you when you go out in case you get hungry. This way you can avoid settling for unhealthy options that are more widely available. This is especially true when you travel. You should always keep healthy snacks with you to tide you over should you get hungry.

  • Start your meals with healthy items. Indeed, if you start your meal by eating fresh and raw vegetables rather than rice or chips, you are more likely to lean towards the healthier options for the rest of the meal and have a healthier diet in the long run.

  • Have a healthy and hearty breakfast. It’s important to start off the day on a healthy note. You’ll be more inclined to eat well for the rest of the day as you’ll be less likely to have cravings or sugar crashes.

  • Eat at least one meal per day with friends or family, ideally dinner so that you don’t have to rush through it. Having a meal with other people makes you eat less overall as you eat more slowly and feel satiety before you’ve had a chance to eat too much. Besides, the pleasure from the company decreases your stress levels and helps you better absorb the nutrients in the food.

So, which one of these nudges will you start implementing now?

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