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Should you go vegetarian?

Should you go vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian can be good for your health, but only if your body approves of it. This diet - like any diet - is not for everyone, as bio-individuality would have it!

A meat-free diet can indeed be highly unhealthy - many junk foods are vegetarian - while a diet containing meat is not necessarily unhealthy if one eats lots of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Vegetarians however can enjoy better immunity, mood and longevity while having a lean figure. They’re doing something good for the planet as feeding a vegetarian requires less energy and farmland. They’re also doing something good for their wallet as plant foods tend to be overall less expensive, except for a few delicacies. One can choose to become a vegetarian for ethical reasons, like supporting animal rights. But one thing is sure, all these positive effects of vegetarianism are cancelled by a sedentary lifestyle, smoking or junk food consumption.

If you have decided to become completely vegetarian or vegan, we strongly recommend that you take a Vitamin B12 supplement, as this essential vitamin can only be found in animal products.

If you don’t think vegetarianism is for you, it’s still a good idea to increase the proportion of plant-based proteins in your diet while improving the quality of the animal proteins you consume. Avoid processed meats and favor free-range and grass-fed meats. In a nutshell, you should aim to consume less animal proteins, but of better quality.

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Apple and walnut salad with maple syrup and cinnamon dressing

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