
Welcome to the Happy Healthy Arab platform! You’ll find here ideas and content to nourish your body and your mind.

Sign up to receive our newsletter and get actionable tips on how to live a positively meaningful life the Arab way!

The Happy Healthy Arab guide

The Happy Healthy Arab guide

Welcome to Happy Healthy Arab, the first non-profit media platform dedicated to health and wellness in the Arab world! You’ll find here interesting ideas and content to nourish your body and your mind. Find out more About Us!

If you like to enjoy your food and prefer to choose abundance over restrictions, if you’re allergic to the word “diet” and you don’t want to give up on pleasure when you eat, and if you don’t like making too many efforts or sacrifices, BUT you’re still concerned with your health and well-being (and incidentally the planet’s), head over to our Enjoying Food section to get useful tips and advice.

Besides, you’re certainly aware that good health requires more than just eating well. You may have come across a bunch of random information on what you should and shouldn’t do from different people with conflicting opinions and somewhat questionnable credibility. If you wish to care for yourself properly, both physically and mentally, head over to our Loving Yourself section and start NOW!

When you’ve given yourself all the love you possibly could, you may start thinking “Am I selfish or what?” Relax, it’s actually quite the opposite. You’re now ready to start caring for other people, especially those who are suffering and need it most. If you’re looking for ways to understand people better and be a positive force for change in society, head over to our Living Together section to get inspired.

You’re probably wondering - are there people out there trying hard to create a positive future for the Arab world? Just head over to our Inspiring Arabs section to meet some of them.

Okay, so you’re tired of all this talking and you just want to eat… we’ve got you covered for that too! Head over to our Healthy Recipes section and well… Sahtein! :-)

Just one last thing, we love to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate to Contact Us and let us know what’s on your mind, what you’d like to read about or if you’d like to contribute. And don’t forget to sign up at the bottom of this page to receive our bi-monthly newsletter and get actionable tips on how to live a positively meaningful life the Arab way!

Happy & Healthy Wishes from the Happy Healthy Arab team!

Asparagus springfest salad

Asparagus springfest salad

Can you exercise too much?

Can you exercise too much?