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How can you easily practice mindfulness?

How can you easily practice mindfulness?

Mindfulness! You may be thinking “Oh no, not that word again! We – Arabs – don’t need to practice mindfulness as our whole way of life is meditative!” You might have heard this fancy word over and over again without really getting what it was about. Everyone tells you it’s a great concept and it’s easy to practice, making you feel stupid and frustrated that it doesn’t seem to be working for you.

Well, we have good news! It’s okay if you can’t wake up at 6am every day to do some sun salutations and meditate for an hour. The easiest way to practice mindfulness is to pursue flow. It’s easy to be mindful when you’re in the flow and when you’re happy, because then you stop regulating your emotions and accept them as they are, instead of ruminating, which is the opposite of being mindful.

Wondering how to find your flow?

Try to remember an experience when you lost track of time and your self-consciousness while having an intense focus on the present moment. This can happen when you work, when you cook, when you paint, when you teach, when you take care of your children, when you practice a sport you like, when you pray, etc. Flow happens when you’re operating slightly above your level. You have a quiet sense of clarity and you’re not disturbed when faced with obstacles.  

Flow enhances happiness because it’s enjoyable in the moment and it makes you more charismatic and therefore likable. Besides, your flow doesn’t infringe on other people’s flow. You can pursue it through hobbies and/or a fulfilling job. Find what suits you and do things that excite you. That’s the best way to practice mindfulness!

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